Waste and Recycling

  • Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools: EPA’s Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools helps your school and school district reduce the amount of waste you generate. You’ll learn how to start a waste reduction program or expand an existing one. The guide will show you how your program can benefit your school, your community, and the environment by reducing, reusing and recycling your waste.
  • Guide to Conducting Student Food Waste Audits:  This student food waste audit guide is intended to help educate students about the amount of food they waste in
    their school cafeterias and to encourage them to reduce waste and eat more of the nutritious foods provided through USDA’s school meals programs or brought from home.
  • School Recycling Program Implementation Plan: Planning document for starting a recycling program at your school.
  • How to Start A Recycling Program: Do you cringe whenever a classmate throws out a recyclable bottle, can, or paper? Help put a stop to this by starting a recycling program at your school. Visit this site to find out how.


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