Education / Curriculum


General Green School Resources

  • Project Learning Tree (PLT) Green Schools Program: Houses all five Green School Investigations and many supplementary resources. You will need to register on the site in order to download the investigations and view additional offerings. Registration is free and non-binding.
  • Oklahoma Green Schools Checklist: Checklist of specific actions that can be taken to start greening your school. This is for you if you cannot manage to follow the six steps of the OGSP. This does not make it possible to achieve Oklahoma Green Schools certification needed to acquire a flag.
  • USGBC Green Schools: Contains “The State of Our Schools” report as well as characteristics and benefits of green schools.
  • Green Schools Alliance: A global network of schools sharing and implementing sustainable best practices, and promoting connections between schools, communities, and the environment that sustains them.
  • Global Green U.S.A. Green Schools Initiative: Action-oriented site; also has a Green School Makeover competition.
  • Healthy Schools Campaign: HSC is working to ensure that schools can provide students with healthy environments, nutritious food, opportunities for physical activity and lessons that support lifelong healthy habits.
  • National Wildlife Federation (NWF) Online Climate Classroom Eco-Schools USA works to extend learning beyond the classroom and develop responsible environmental attitudes and commitments, both at home and in the wider community.

General Education/Curriculum

  • US Green Schools Foundation:many great K-12 Sustainability Education resources on a variety of topics.
  • Canadian Green Schools site: Green school projects, lesson plans, book lists, tips for success, climate change and water conservation curriculum, plus much more.
  • EPA Resources for students and teachers: US Environmental Protection Agency’s site for lesson plans, teacher guides, publications and online resources. Links to environmental lesson plans, information about environmental education grants and fellowships, and environmental education information from regional offices around the nation.
  • EPA Teaching Resources: An array of environmental and science based lesson plans, activities and ideas.
  • Green Teacher lessons: Lessons from the award-winning Green Teacher Magazine.
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